Original Online Learning Algorithm for GFMM

This example shows how to use the GFMM classifier using an original online learning algorithm.

Note that the numerical features in training and testing datasets must be in the range of [0, 1] because the GFMM classifiers require features in the unit cube.

1. Execute directly from the python file

%matplotlib notebook
import os
import warnings

Get the path to the this jupyter notebook file

this_notebook_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath("__file__"))

Get the home folder of the Hyperbox-Brain project

from pathlib import Path
project_dir = Path(this_notebook_dir).parent.parent

Create the path to the Python file containing the implementation of the GFMM classifier using the original online learning algorithm

onln_gfmm_file_path = os.path.join(project_dir, Path("hbbrain/numerical_data/incremental_learner/onln_gfmm.py"))

Run the found file by showing the execution directions

!python "{onln_gfmm_file_path}" -h
usage: onln_gfmm.py [-h] -training_file TRAINING_FILE -testing_file
                    TESTING_FILE [--theta THETA] [--theta_min THETA_MIN]
                    [--gamma GAMMA] [--alpha ALPHA] [--is_draw IS_DRAW]

The description of parameters

required arguments:
  -training_file TRAINING_FILE
                        A required argument for the path to training data file
                        (including file name)
  -testing_file TESTING_FILE
                        A required argument for the path to testing data file
                        (including file name)

optional arguments:
  --theta THETA         Maximum hyperbox size (in the range of (0, 1])
                        (default: 0.5)
  --theta_min THETA_MIN
                        Mimimum value of the maximum hyperbox size to escape
                        the training loop (in the range of (0, 1]) (default:
  --gamma GAMMA         A sensitivity parameter describing the speed of
                        decreasing of the membership function in each
                        dimension (larger than 0) (default: 1)
  --alpha ALPHA         Multiplier showing the decrease of theta in each step
                        (default: 0.9)
  --is_draw IS_DRAW     Show the existing hyperboxes during the training
                        process on the screen (default: False)

Create the path to training and testing datasets stored in the dataset folder

training_data_file = os.path.join(project_dir, Path("dataset/syn_num_train.csv"))
testing_data_file = os.path.join(project_dir, Path("dataset/syn_num_test.csv"))

Run a demo program

!python "{onln_gfmm_file_path}" -training_file "{training_data_file}" -testing_file "{testing_data_file}" --theta 0.1 --theta_min 0.1 --gamma 1
Number of hyperboxes = 53
Testing accuracy =  84.50%

2. Using the GFMM classifier with original online learning algorithm through its init, fit, and predict functions

from hbbrain.numerical_data.incremental_learner.onln_gfmm import OnlineGFMM
import pandas as pd

Create training and testing data sets

df_train = pd.read_csv(training_data_file, header=None)
df_test = pd.read_csv(testing_data_file, header=None)

Xy_train = df_train.to_numpy()
Xy_test = df_test.to_numpy()

Xtr = Xy_train[:, :-1]
ytr = Xy_train[:, -1]

Xtest = Xy_test[:, :-1]
ytest = Xy_test[:, -1]

Initializing parameters

theta = 0.1
theta_min = 0.1
gamma = 1
is_draw = True


onln_gfmm_clf = OnlineGFMM(theta=theta, theta_min=theta_min, gamma=gamma, is_draw=is_draw)
onln_gfmm_clf.fit(Xtr, ytr)
OnlineGFMM(C=array([1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1,
       1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1,
       2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1]),
           V=array([[0.42413   , 0.53516   ],
       [0.70577   , 0.397105  ],
       [0.82785   , 0.78025   ],
       [0.66038   , 0.51128   ],
       [0.48794   , 0.672     ],
       [0.26651   , 0.18424   ],
       [0.32289   , 0.60194   ],
       [0.19944   , 0.03      ],
       [0.29343   , 0.28975   ],
       [0.63683   , 0.6936    ],
       [0.32906   , 0.55512   ],
       [0.03      , 0.47757   ],
       [0.815     , 0.397095  ],
       [0.67906   , 0.83605   ],
       [0.37033   , 0.26124   ],
       [0.52197   , 0.91371   ],
       [0.66037   , 0.57837   ],
       [0.52621   , 0.66846   ],
       [0.80583   , 0.43242   ],
       [0.79935   , 0.7757    ],
       [0.35813   , 0.58772   ],
       [0.79516   , 0.32629   ],
       [0.70743   , 0.50325   ],
       [0.36057   , 0.71561   ],
       [0.72496   , 0.38674   ],
       [0.28822   , 0.62174   ],
       [0.14737   , 0.28498   ],
       [0.56487   , 0.17003   ],
       [0.68469   , 0.2221    ],
       [0.55763   , 0.43813   ]]),
           is_draw=True, theta=0.1, theta_min=0.1)

The code below shows how to display decision boundaries among classes if input data are 2-dimensional

onln_gfmm_clf.draw_hyperbox_and_boundary("The trained GFMM classifier and its decision boundaries")
print("Number of existing hyperboxes = %d"%(onln_gfmm_clf.get_n_hyperboxes()))
Number of existing hyperboxes = 53


from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score
y_pred = onln_gfmm_clf.predict(Xtest)
acc = accuracy_score(ytest, y_pred)
print(f'Accuracy = {acc * 100: .2f}%')
Accuracy =  84.50%

Explaining the predicted result for the input sample by showing membership values and hyperboxes for each class

sample_need_explain = 10
y_pred_input_0, mem_val_classes, min_points_classes, max_points_classes = onln_gfmm_clf.get_sample_explanation(Xtest[sample_need_explain], Xtest[sample_need_explain])
print("Predicted class for sample X = [%f, %f] is %d and real class is %d" % (Xtest[sample_need_explain, 0], Xtest[sample_need_explain, 1], y_pred_input_0, ytest[sample_need_explain]))
Predicted class for sample X = [0.571640, 0.233700] is 2 and real class is 2
print("Membership values:")
for key, val in mem_val_classes.items():
    print("Class %d has the maximum membership value = %f" % (key, val))

for key in min_points_classes:
    print("Class %d has the representative hyperbox: V = %s and W = %s" % (key, min_points_classes[key], max_points_classes[key]))
Membership values:
Class 1 has the maximum membership value = 0.870180
Class 2 has the maximum membership value = 0.984660
Class 1 has the representative hyperbox: V = [0.58339 0.36352] and W = [0.66562    0.38375437]
Class 2 has the representative hyperbox: V = [0.57285 0.24904] and W = [0.65695 0.31638]

Show input sample and hyperboxes belonging to each class. In 2D, we can show rectangles or use parallel coordinates

Using rectangles to show explanations

onln_gfmm_clf.show_sample_explanation(Xtest[sample_need_explain], Xtest[sample_need_explain], min_points_classes, max_points_classes, y_pred_input_0, "2D")

Using parallel coordinates. This mode best fits for any dimensions

# Create a parallel coordinates graph
onln_gfmm_clf.show_sample_explanation(Xtest[sample_need_explain], Xtest[sample_need_explain], min_points_classes, max_points_classes, y_pred_input_0, file_path="par_cord/onln_gfmm_par_cord_1.html")
# Load parallel coordinates to display on the notebook
from IPython.display import IFrame
# We load the parallel coordinates from GitHub here for demostration in readthedocs
# On the local notebook, we only need to load from the graph storing at 'par_cord/onln_gfmm_par_cord_1.html'
IFrame('https://uts-caslab.github.io/hyperbox-brain/docs/tutorials/par_cord/onln_gfmm_par_cord_1.html', width=820, height=520)

An example for the wrong prediction case with the demonstration

# Try another sample
sample_need_explain = 1
y_pred_input_0, mem_val_classes, min_points_classes, max_points_classes = onln_gfmm_clf.get_sample_explanation(Xtest[sample_need_explain], Xtest[sample_need_explain])
print("Predicted class for sample X = [%f, %f] is %d and real class is %d" % (Xtest[sample_need_explain, 0], Xtest[sample_need_explain, 1], y_pred_input_0, ytest[sample_need_explain]))
Predicted class for sample X = [0.485900, 0.476500] is 2 and real class is 1
print("Membership values:")
for key, val in mem_val_classes.items():
    print("Class %d has the maximum membership value = %f" % (key, val))
for key in min_points_classes:
    print("Class %d has the representative hyperbox: V = %s and W = %s" % (key, min_points_classes[key], max_points_classes[key]))
Membership values:
Class 1 has the maximum membership value = 0.941340
Class 2 has the maximum membership value = 0.955140
Class 1 has the representative hyperbox: V = [0.42413 0.53516] and W = [0.52084 0.60972]
Class 2 has the representative hyperbox: V = [0.49255 0.39125] and W = [0.52124 0.43164]
onln_gfmm_clf.show_sample_explanation(Xtest[sample_need_explain], Xtest[sample_need_explain], min_points_classes, max_points_classes, y_pred_input_0, "2D")

Using parallel coordinates. This mode best fits for any dimensions

# Create a parallel coordinates graph
onln_gfmm_clf.show_sample_explanation(Xtest[sample_need_explain], Xtest[sample_need_explain], min_points_classes, max_points_classes, y_pred_input_0, file_path="par_cord/onln_gfmm_par_cord_2.html")
# Load parallel coordinates to display on the notebook
from IPython.display import IFrame
# We load the parallel coordinates from GitHub here for demostration in readthedocs
# On the local notebook, we only need to load from the graph storing at 'par_cord/onln_gfmm_par_cord_2.html'
IFrame('https://uts-caslab.github.io/hyperbox-brain/docs/tutorials/par_cord/onln_gfmm_par_cord_2.html', width=820, height=520)