Integration of Single Hyperbox-based Models with Sklearn Pipeline and Hyperopt

This example shows how to integrate the GFMM classifier into the Pipeline class implemented by scikit-learn

Note that this example is illustrated by using the original online learning algorithm for GFMM model. However, it can be used for any GFMM models using other learning algorithms

import warnings
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from hbbrain.numerical_data.incremental_learner.onln_gfmm import OnlineGFMM

Load Iris dataset and prepare training and testing sets

from sklearn.datasets import load_iris
df = load_iris()
X =
y =
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, train_size=0.8, random_state=0)

Create a pipeline of pre-processing method (i.e., normalization of data in the range of [0, 1]) and a GFMM classifier.

Note: The GFMM classifier using an original online learning algorithm requires the input data in the range of [0, 1].

theta = 0.1
theta_min = 0.1
onln_gfmm_clf = OnlineGFMM(theta=theta, theta_min=theta_min)
pipe = Pipeline([('scaler', MinMaxScaler()), ('onln_gfmm', onln_gfmm_clf)])


[7]:, y_train)
Pipeline(steps=[('scaler', MinMaxScaler()),
                 OnlineGFMM(C=array([2, 1, 0, 2, 2, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 0, 0, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2,
       1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 2, 2, 0, 2, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, 2,
       2, 0, 0, 2, 2, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 2, 1]),
                            V=array([[0.58333333, 0.41666667, 0.68965517, 0.70833333],
       [0.30555556, 0.41666667, 0.5862069 , 0.58333333],
       [0.19444444, 0.625     , 0.05172414, 0.04166667],
       [0.44444444, 0.416666...
       [0.86111111, 0.33333333, 0.86206897, 0.75      ],
       [0.38888889, 0.25      , 0.44827586, 0.375     ],
       [0.66666667, 0.41666667, 0.67241379, 0.66666667],
       [0.19444444, 0.41666667, 0.0862069 , 0.04166667],
       [0.44444444, 0.5       , 0.63793103, 0.70833333],
       [0.33333333, 0.625     , 0.03448276, 0.04166667],
       [0.55555556, 0.375     , 0.77586207, 0.70833333],
       [0.41666667, 0.29166667, 0.51724138, 0.375     ]]),
                            theta=0.1, theta_min=0.1))])


acc = pipe.score(X_test, y_test)
print(f'Testing accuracy = {acc * 100: .2f}%')
>>> The testing sample 26 with the coordinate [ 0.08333333  0.66666667 -0.01724138  0.04166667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.916667. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
Testing accuracy =  96.67%

The example below shows how to use the HyperOpt library in combination with PipleLine and Cross-validation to find the best model

from hyperopt import fmin, hp, tpe, Trials, space_eval, STATUS_OK
from hyperopt.pyll import scope as ho_scope
from hyperopt.pyll.stochastic import sample as ho_sample

Define search space

hp_space_gfmm = {
    'theta': hp.uniform('theta', 0, 1),
    'gamma': hp.uniform('gamma', 0, 10)

# Draw random sample to see if hyperspace is correctly defined
{'gamma': 4.542173063848446, 'theta': 0.8064001273117817}

Defining model

def init_model(hps):
    Constructs estimator

    hps : sample point from search space

    model : sklearn.Pipeline.pipeline with hyperparameters set up as per hps

    # Assembing pipeline
    model = Pipeline([
        ('scale', MinMaxScaler()),
        ('clf', OnlineGFMM(**hps))

    return model
from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score, StratifiedKFold
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score

Now we have to define function to minimize. We’ll stick with cross-validation score on train set. Our function should take a sample from search space and return negative mean Acc score. As noted above, it is very important to return negative score here, since otherwise we’ll seek for hyperparameters that minimize Acc

def f_to_min1(hps, X, y, ncv=5):
    Target function for optimization

    hps : sample point from search space
    X : feature matrix
    y : target array
    ncv : number of folds for cross-validation

    : target function value (negative mean cross-val Acc score)

    model = init_model(hps)
    cv_res = cross_val_score(model, X, y, cv=StratifiedKFold(ncv, shuffle=True, random_state=0),
                             scoring='accuracy', n_jobs=1)

    return -cv_res.mean()

Running optimization

from functools import partial
import numpy as np

All right, let’s run optimization for 100 rounds using TPE algorithm, meaning that we use TPE to suggest next sample values based on previous function evaluations. We’ll use Trials class objects to keep track of optimization history. Note: We’re binding X and y arguments of target function to X_train and y_train respectively, using functools.partial, since target function of fmin may accept only a search space point.

trials_clf = Trials()
best_clf = fmin(partial(f_to_min1, X=X_train, y=y_train),
                 hp_space_gfmm, algo=tpe.suggest, max_evals=100,
                 trials=trials_clf, rstate = np.random.default_rng(0))
>>> The testing sample 19 with the coordinate [1.05882353 0.75       0.9137931  0.79166667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.888627. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 11 with the coordinate [-0.02857143  0.41666667 -0.01818182  0.        ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.945905. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 21 with the coordinate [0.94285714 0.25       1.03636364 0.91666667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.842222. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 6 with the coordinate [ 0.19444444 -0.10526316  0.4137931   0.375     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.800702. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 12 with the coordinate [0.38888889 1.15789474 0.06896552 0.125     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.701052. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 19 with the coordinate [1.05882353 0.75       0.9137931  0.79166667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.837797. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 11 with the coordinate [-0.02857143  0.41666667 -0.01818182  0.        ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.921216. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 21 with the coordinate [0.94285714 0.25       1.03636364 0.91666667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.899729. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 6 with the coordinate [ 0.19444444 -0.10526316  0.4137931   0.375     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.709743. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 12 with the coordinate [0.38888889 1.15789474 0.06896552 0.125     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.564614. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 19 with the coordinate [1.05882353 0.75       0.9137931  0.79166667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.414332. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 11 with the coordinate [-0.02857143  0.41666667 -0.01818182  0.        ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.799199. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 21 with the coordinate [0.94285714 0.25       1.03636364 0.91666667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.414332. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 6 with the coordinate [ 0.19444444 -0.10526316  0.4137931   0.375     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.260208. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 12 with the coordinate [0.38888889 1.15789474 0.06896552 0.125     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.000000. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 19 with the coordinate [1.05882353 0.75       0.9137931  0.79166667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.814764. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 11 with the coordinate [-0.02857143  0.41666667 -0.01818182  0.        ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.910028. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 21 with the coordinate [0.94285714 0.25       1.03636364 0.91666667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.885491. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 6 with the coordinate [ 0.19444444 -0.10526316  0.4137931   0.375     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.668525. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 12 with the coordinate [0.38888889 1.15789474 0.06896552 0.125     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.502788. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 19 with the coordinate [1.05882353 0.75       0.9137931  0.79166667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.227886. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 11 with the coordinate [-0.02857143  0.41666667 -0.01818182  0.        ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.663078. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 21 with the coordinate [0.94285714 0.25       1.03636364 0.91666667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.227886. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 6 with the coordinate [ 0.19444444 -0.10526316  0.4137931   0.375     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.024698. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 12 with the coordinate [0.38888889 1.15789474 0.06896552 0.125     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.000000. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 19 with the coordinate [1.05882353 0.75       0.9137931  0.79166667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.633662. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 11 with the coordinate [-0.02857143  0.41666667 -0.01818182  0.        ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.822064. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 21 with the coordinate [0.94285714 0.25       1.03636364 0.91666667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.773537. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 6 with the coordinate [ 0.19444444 -0.10526316  0.4137931   0.375     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.344448. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 12 with the coordinate [0.38888889 1.15789474 0.06896552 0.125     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.016672. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 19 with the coordinate [1.05882353 0.75       0.9137931  0.79166667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.417466. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 11 with the coordinate [-0.02857143  0.41666667 -0.01818182  0.        ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.717055. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 21 with the coordinate [0.94285714 0.25       1.03636364 0.91666667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.174743. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 6 with the coordinate [ 0.19444444 -0.10526316  0.4137931   0.375     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.000000. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 12 with the coordinate [0.38888889 1.15789474 0.06896552 0.125     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.000000. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 19 with the coordinate [1.05882353 0.75       0.9137931  0.79166667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.971811. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 11 with the coordinate [-0.02857143  0.41666667 -0.01818182  0.        ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.987699. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 21 with the coordinate [0.94285714 0.25       1.03636364 0.91666667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.957717. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 6 with the coordinate [ 0.19444444 -0.10526316  0.4137931   0.375     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.946590. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 12 with the coordinate [0.38888889 1.15789474 0.06896552 0.125     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.946590. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 19 with the coordinate [1.05882353 0.75       0.9137931  0.79166667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.917323. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 11 with the coordinate [-0.02857143  0.41666667 -0.01818182  0.        ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.971654. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 21 with the coordinate [0.94285714 0.25       1.03636364 0.91666667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.917323. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 6 with the coordinate [ 0.19444444 -0.10526316  0.4137931   0.375     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.895566. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 12 with the coordinate [0.38888889 1.15789474 0.06896552 0.125     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.843349. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 19 with the coordinate [1.05882353 0.75       0.9137931  0.79166667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.586375. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 11 with the coordinate [-0.02857143  0.41666667 -0.01818182  0.        ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.793187. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 21 with the coordinate [0.94285714 0.25       1.03636364 0.91666667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.379562. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 6 with the coordinate [ 0.19444444 -0.10526316  0.4137931   0.375     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.310625. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 12 with the coordinate [0.38888889 1.15789474 0.06896552 0.125     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.216289. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 19 with the coordinate [1.05882353 0.75       0.9137931  0.79166667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.595076. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 11 with the coordinate [-0.02857143  0.41666667 -0.01818182  0.        ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.823306. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 21 with the coordinate [0.94285714 0.25       1.03636364 0.91666667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.595076. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 6 with the coordinate [ 0.19444444 -0.10526316  0.4137931   0.375     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.232775. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 12 with the coordinate [0.38888889 1.15789474 0.06896552 0.125     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.232775. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 19 with the coordinate [1.05882353 0.75       0.9137931  0.79166667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.536979. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 11 with the coordinate [-0.02857143  0.41666667 -0.01818182  0.        ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.797955. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 21 with the coordinate [0.94285714 0.25       1.03636364 0.91666667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.536979. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 6 with the coordinate [ 0.19444444 -0.10526316  0.4137931   0.375     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.415131. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 12 with the coordinate [0.38888889 1.15789474 0.06896552 0.125     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.122697. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 19 with the coordinate [1.05882353 0.75       0.9137931  0.79166667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.225142. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 11 with the coordinate [-0.02857143  0.41666667 -0.01818182  0.        ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.734335. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 21 with the coordinate [0.94285714 0.25       1.03636364 0.91666667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.225142. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 6 with the coordinate [ 0.19444444 -0.10526316  0.4137931   0.375     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.000000. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 12 with the coordinate [0.38888889 1.15789474 0.06896552 0.125     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.000000. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 19 with the coordinate [1.05882353 0.75       0.9137931  0.79166667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.527092. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 11 with the coordinate [-0.02857143  0.41666667 -0.01818182  0.        ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.770302. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 21 with the coordinate [0.94285714 0.25       1.03636364 0.91666667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.707657. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 6 with the coordinate [ 0.19444444 -0.10526316  0.4137931   0.375     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.153744. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 12 with the coordinate [0.38888889 1.15789474 0.06896552 0.125     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.000000. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 19 with the coordinate [1.05882353 0.75       0.9137931  0.79166667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.207652. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 11 with the coordinate [-0.02857143  0.41666667 -0.01818182  0.        ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.728338. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 21 with the coordinate [0.94285714 0.25       1.03636364 0.91666667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.207652. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 6 with the coordinate [ 0.19444444 -0.10526316  0.4137931   0.375     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.000000. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 12 with the coordinate [0.38888889 1.15789474 0.06896552 0.125     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.000000. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 19 with the coordinate [1.05882353 0.75       0.9137931  0.79166667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.484989. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 11 with the coordinate [-0.02857143  0.41666667 -0.01818182  0.        ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.823425. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 21 with the coordinate [0.94285714 0.25       1.03636364 0.91666667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.484989. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 6 with the coordinate [ 0.19444444 -0.10526316  0.4137931   0.375     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.024189. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 12 with the coordinate [0.38888889 1.15789474 0.06896552 0.125     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.024189. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 19 with the coordinate [1.05882353 0.75       0.9137931  0.79166667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.673487. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 11 with the coordinate [-0.02857143  0.41666667 -0.01818182  0.        ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.836743. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 21 with the coordinate [0.94285714 0.25       1.03636364 0.91666667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.510230. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 6 with the coordinate [ 0.19444444 -0.10526316  0.4137931   0.375     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.381343. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 12 with the coordinate [0.38888889 1.15789474 0.06896552 0.125     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.381343. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 19 with the coordinate [1.05882353 0.75       0.9137931  0.79166667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.738973. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 11 with the coordinate [-0.02857143  0.41666667 -0.01818182  0.        ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.886097. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 21 with the coordinate [0.94285714 0.25       1.03636364 0.91666667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.738973. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 6 with the coordinate [ 0.19444444 -0.10526316  0.4137931   0.375     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.505423. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 12 with the coordinate [0.38888889 1.15789474 0.06896552 0.125     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.505423. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 19 with the coordinate [1.05882353 0.75       0.9137931  0.79166667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.505573. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 11 with the coordinate [-0.02857143  0.41666667 -0.01818182  0.        ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.759850. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 21 with the coordinate [0.94285714 0.25       1.03636364 0.91666667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.694354. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 6 with the coordinate [ 0.19444444 -0.10526316  0.4137931   0.375     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.115235. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 12 with the coordinate [0.38888889 1.15789474 0.06896552 0.125     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.000000. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 19 with the coordinate [1.05882353 0.75       0.9137931  0.79166667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.585234. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 11 with the coordinate [-0.02857143  0.41666667 -0.01818182  0.        ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.857794. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 21 with the coordinate [0.94285714 0.25       1.03636364 0.91666667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.585234. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 6 with the coordinate [ 0.19444444 -0.10526316  0.4137931   0.375     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.476084. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 12 with the coordinate [0.38888889 1.15789474 0.06896552 0.125     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.214127. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 19 with the coordinate [1.05882353 0.75       0.9137931  0.79166667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.650744. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 11 with the coordinate [-0.02857143  0.41666667 -0.01818182  0.        ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.825372. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 21 with the coordinate [0.94285714 0.25       1.03636364 0.91666667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.476116. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 6 with the coordinate [ 0.19444444 -0.10526316  0.4137931   0.375     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.338252. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 12 with the coordinate [0.38888889 1.15789474 0.06896552 0.125     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.338252. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 19 with the coordinate [1.05882353 0.75       0.9137931  0.79166667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.679227. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 11 with the coordinate [-0.02857143  0.41666667 -0.01818182  0.        ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.839613. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 21 with the coordinate [0.94285714 0.25       1.03636364 0.91666667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.518840. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 6 with the coordinate [ 0.19444444 -0.10526316  0.4137931   0.375     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.392219. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 12 with the coordinate [0.38888889 1.15789474 0.06896552 0.125     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.392219. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 19 with the coordinate [1.05882353 0.75       0.9137931  0.79166667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.666495. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 11 with the coordinate [-0.02857143  0.41666667 -0.01818182  0.        ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.833248. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 21 with the coordinate [0.94285714 0.25       1.03636364 0.91666667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.499743. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 6 with the coordinate [ 0.19444444 -0.10526316  0.4137931   0.375     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.368097. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 12 with the coordinate [0.38888889 1.15789474 0.06896552 0.125     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.368097. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 19 with the coordinate [1.05882353 0.75       0.9137931  0.79166667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.847477. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 11 with the coordinate [-0.02857143  0.41666667 -0.01818182  0.        ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.923738. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 21 with the coordinate [0.94285714 0.25       1.03636364 0.91666667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.847477. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 6 with the coordinate [ 0.19444444 -0.10526316  0.4137931   0.375     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.711009. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 12 with the coordinate [0.38888889 1.15789474 0.06896552 0.125     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.711009. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 19 with the coordinate [1.05882353 0.75       0.9137931  0.79166667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.869514. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 11 with the coordinate [-0.02857143  0.41666667 -0.01818182  0.        ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.934757. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 21 with the coordinate [0.94285714 0.25       1.03636364 0.91666667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.869514. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 6 with the coordinate [ 0.19444444 -0.10526316  0.4137931   0.375     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.752763. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 12 with the coordinate [0.38888889 1.15789474 0.06896552 0.125     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.752763. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 19 with the coordinate [1.05882353 0.75       0.9137931  0.79166667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.977404. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 11 with the coordinate [-0.02857143  0.41666667 -0.01818182  0.        ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.990140. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 21 with the coordinate [0.94285714 0.25       1.03636364 0.91666667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.977404. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 6 with the coordinate [ 0.19444444 -0.10526316  0.4137931   0.375     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.957186. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 12 with the coordinate [0.38888889 1.15789474 0.06896552 0.125     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.957186. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 19 with the coordinate [1.05882353 0.75       0.9137931  0.79166667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.792677. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 11 with the coordinate [-0.02857143  0.41666667 -0.01818182  0.        ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.896339. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 21 with the coordinate [0.94285714 0.25       1.03636364 0.91666667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.792677. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 6 with the coordinate [ 0.19444444 -0.10526316  0.4137931   0.375     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.607178. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 12 with the coordinate [0.38888889 1.15789474 0.06896552 0.125     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.607178. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 19 with the coordinate [1.05882353 0.75       0.9137931  0.79166667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.876281. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 11 with the coordinate [-0.02857143  0.41666667 -0.01818182  0.        ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.946013. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 21 with the coordinate [0.94285714 0.25       1.03636364 0.91666667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.876281. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 6 with the coordinate [ 0.19444444 -0.10526316  0.4137931   0.375     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.765584. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 12 with the coordinate [0.38888889 1.15789474 0.06896552 0.125     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.765584. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 19 with the coordinate [1.05882353 0.75       0.9137931  0.79166667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.849137. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 11 with the coordinate [-0.02857143  0.41666667 -0.01818182  0.        ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.934169. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 21 with the coordinate [0.94285714 0.25       1.03636364 0.91666667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.849137. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 6 with the coordinate [ 0.19444444 -0.10526316  0.4137931   0.375     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.748562. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 12 with the coordinate [0.38888889 1.15789474 0.06896552 0.125     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.714154. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 19 with the coordinate [1.05882353 0.75       0.9137931  0.79166667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.912143. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 11 with the coordinate [-0.02857143  0.41666667 -0.01818182  0.        ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.961663. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 21 with the coordinate [0.94285714 0.25       1.03636364 0.91666667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.912143. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 6 with the coordinate [ 0.19444444 -0.10526316  0.4137931   0.375     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.833535. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 12 with the coordinate [0.38888889 1.15789474 0.06896552 0.125     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.833535. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 19 with the coordinate [1.05882353 0.75       0.9137931  0.79166667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.810589. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 11 with the coordinate [-0.02857143  0.41666667 -0.01818182  0.        ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.905295. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 21 with the coordinate [0.94285714 0.25       1.03636364 0.91666667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.715884. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 6 with the coordinate [ 0.19444444 -0.10526316  0.4137931   0.375     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.684315. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 12 with the coordinate [0.38888889 1.15789474 0.06896552 0.125     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.641116. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 19 with the coordinate [1.05882353 0.75       0.9137931  0.79166667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.939373. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 11 with the coordinate [-0.02857143  0.41666667 -0.01818182  0.        ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.969686. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 21 with the coordinate [0.94285714 0.25       1.03636364 0.91666667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.909059. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 6 with the coordinate [ 0.19444444 -0.10526316  0.4137931   0.375     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.885127. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 12 with the coordinate [0.38888889 1.15789474 0.06896552 0.125     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.885127. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 19 with the coordinate [1.05882353 0.75       0.9137931  0.79166667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.937304. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 11 with the coordinate [-0.02857143  0.41666667 -0.01818182  0.        ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.968652. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 21 with the coordinate [0.94285714 0.25       1.03636364 0.91666667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.905956. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 6 with the coordinate [ 0.19444444 -0.10526316  0.4137931   0.375     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.881207. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 12 with the coordinate [0.38888889 1.15789474 0.06896552 0.125     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.881207. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 19 with the coordinate [1.05882353 0.75       0.9137931  0.79166667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.719306. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 11 with the coordinate [-0.02857143  0.41666667 -0.01818182  0.        ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.877516. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 21 with the coordinate [0.94285714 0.25       1.03636364 0.91666667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.719306. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 6 with the coordinate [ 0.19444444 -0.10526316  0.4137931   0.375     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.532177. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 12 with the coordinate [0.38888889 1.15789474 0.06896552 0.125     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.468160. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 19 with the coordinate [1.05882353 0.75       0.9137931  0.79166667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.398965. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 11 with the coordinate [-0.02857143  0.41666667 -0.01818182  0.        ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.737730. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 21 with the coordinate [0.94285714 0.25       1.03636364 0.91666667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.398965. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 6 with the coordinate [ 0.19444444 -0.10526316  0.4137931   0.375     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.000000. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 12 with the coordinate [0.38888889 1.15789474 0.06896552 0.125     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.000000. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 19 with the coordinate [1.05882353 0.75       0.9137931  0.79166667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.389053. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 11 with the coordinate [-0.02857143  0.41666667 -0.01818182  0.        ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.733405. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 21 with the coordinate [0.94285714 0.25       1.03636364 0.91666667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.389053. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 6 with the coordinate [ 0.19444444 -0.10526316  0.4137931   0.375     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.000000. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 12 with the coordinate [0.38888889 1.15789474 0.06896552 0.125     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.000000. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 19 with the coordinate [1.05882353 0.75       0.9137931  0.79166667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.448095. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 11 with the coordinate [-0.02857143  0.41666667 -0.01818182  0.        ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.759169. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 21 with the coordinate [0.94285714 0.25       1.03636364 0.91666667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.448095. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 6 with the coordinate [ 0.19444444 -0.10526316  0.4137931   0.375     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.000000. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 12 with the coordinate [0.38888889 1.15789474 0.06896552 0.125     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.000000. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 19 with the coordinate [1.05882353 0.75       0.9137931  0.79166667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.457615. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 11 with the coordinate [-0.02857143  0.41666667 -0.01818182  0.        ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.763323. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 21 with the coordinate [0.94285714 0.25       1.03636364 0.91666667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.186423. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 6 with the coordinate [ 0.19444444 -0.10526316  0.4137931   0.375     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.000000. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 12 with the coordinate [0.38888889 1.15789474 0.06896552 0.125     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.000000. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 19 with the coordinate [1.05882353 0.75       0.9137931  0.79166667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.551708. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 11 with the coordinate [-0.02857143  0.41666667 -0.01818182  0.        ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.782258. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 21 with the coordinate [0.94285714 0.25       1.03636364 0.91666667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.364920. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 6 with the coordinate [ 0.19444444 -0.10526316  0.4137931   0.375     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.197794. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 12 with the coordinate [0.38888889 1.15789474 0.06896552 0.125     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.000000. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 19 with the coordinate [1.05882353 0.75       0.9137931  0.79166667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.659884. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 11 with the coordinate [-0.02857143  0.41666667 -0.01818182  0.        ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.834801. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 21 with the coordinate [0.94285714 0.25       1.03636364 0.91666667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.789746. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 6 with the coordinate [ 0.19444444 -0.10526316  0.4137931   0.375     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.391371. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 12 with the coordinate [0.38888889 1.15789474 0.06896552 0.125     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.087057. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 19 with the coordinate [1.05882353 0.75       0.9137931  0.79166667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.627892. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 11 with the coordinate [-0.02857143  0.41666667 -0.01818182  0.        ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.837625. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 21 with the coordinate [0.94285714 0.25       1.03636364 0.91666667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.627892. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 6 with the coordinate [ 0.19444444 -0.10526316  0.4137931   0.375     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.379819. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 12 with the coordinate [0.38888889 1.15789474 0.06896552 0.125     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.294953. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 19 with the coordinate [1.05882353 0.75       0.9137931  0.79166667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.649130. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 11 with the coordinate [-0.02857143  0.41666667 -0.01818182  0.        ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.824565. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 21 with the coordinate [0.94285714 0.25       1.03636364 0.91666667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.473694. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 6 with the coordinate [ 0.19444444 -0.10526316  0.4137931   0.375     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.335193. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 12 with the coordinate [0.38888889 1.15789474 0.06896552 0.125     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.335193. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 19 with the coordinate [1.05882353 0.75       0.9137931  0.79166667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.277219. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 11 with the coordinate [-0.02857143  0.41666667 -0.01818182  0.        ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.684605. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 21 with the coordinate [0.94285714 0.25       1.03636364 0.91666667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.000000. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 6 with the coordinate [ 0.19444444 -0.10526316  0.4137931   0.375     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.000000. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 12 with the coordinate [0.38888889 1.15789474 0.06896552 0.125     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.000000. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 19 with the coordinate [1.05882353 0.75       0.9137931  0.79166667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.708327. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 11 with the coordinate [-0.02857143  0.41666667 -0.01818182  0.        ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.899998. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 21 with the coordinate [0.94285714 0.25       1.03636364 0.91666667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.708327. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 6 with the coordinate [ 0.19444444 -0.10526316  0.4137931   0.375     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.631571. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 12 with the coordinate [0.38888889 1.15789474 0.06896552 0.125     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.447357. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 19 with the coordinate [1.05882353 0.75       0.9137931  0.79166667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.683243. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 11 with the coordinate [-0.02857143  0.41666667 -0.01818182  0.        ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.846147. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 21 with the coordinate [0.94285714 0.25       1.03636364 0.91666667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.551261. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 6 with the coordinate [ 0.19444444 -0.10526316  0.4137931   0.375     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.433172. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 12 with the coordinate [0.38888889 1.15789474 0.06896552 0.125     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.149758. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 19 with the coordinate [1.05882353 0.75       0.9137931  0.79166667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.760300. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 11 with the coordinate [-0.02857143  0.41666667 -0.01818182  0.        ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.917817. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 21 with the coordinate [0.94285714 0.25       1.03636364 0.91666667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.760300. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 6 with the coordinate [ 0.19444444 -0.10526316  0.4137931   0.375     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.697221. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 12 with the coordinate [0.38888889 1.15789474 0.06896552 0.125     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.545832. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 19 with the coordinate [1.05882353 0.75       0.9137931  0.79166667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.690040. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 11 with the coordinate [-0.02857143  0.41666667 -0.01818182  0.        ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.845020. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 21 with the coordinate [0.94285714 0.25       1.03636364 0.91666667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.535061. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 6 with the coordinate [ 0.19444444 -0.10526316  0.4137931   0.375     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.412708. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 12 with the coordinate [0.38888889 1.15789474 0.06896552 0.125     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.412708. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 19 with the coordinate [1.05882353 0.75       0.9137931  0.79166667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.805245. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 11 with the coordinate [-0.02857143  0.41666667 -0.01818182  0.        ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.902623. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 21 with the coordinate [0.94285714 0.25       1.03636364 0.91666667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.707868. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 6 with the coordinate [ 0.19444444 -0.10526316  0.4137931   0.375     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.630991. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 12 with the coordinate [0.38888889 1.15789474 0.06896552 0.125     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.630991. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 19 with the coordinate [1.05882353 0.75       0.9137931  0.79166667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.620962. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 11 with the coordinate [-0.02857143  0.41666667 -0.01818182  0.        ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.870044. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 21 with the coordinate [0.94285714 0.25       1.03636364 0.91666667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.620962. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 6 with the coordinate [ 0.19444444 -0.10526316  0.4137931   0.375     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.521215. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 12 with the coordinate [0.38888889 1.15789474 0.06896552 0.125     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.281822. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 19 with the coordinate [1.05882353 0.75       0.9137931  0.79166667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.906224. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 11 with the coordinate [-0.02857143  0.41666667 -0.01818182  0.        ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.959079. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 21 with the coordinate [0.94285714 0.25       1.03636364 0.91666667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.906224. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 6 with the coordinate [ 0.19444444 -0.10526316  0.4137931   0.375     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.822319. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 12 with the coordinate [0.38888889 1.15789474 0.06896552 0.125     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.822319. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 19 with the coordinate [1.05882353 0.75       0.9137931  0.79166667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.864965. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 11 with the coordinate [-0.02857143  0.41666667 -0.01818182  0.        ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.941076. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 21 with the coordinate [0.94285714 0.25       1.03636364 0.91666667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.864965. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 6 with the coordinate [ 0.19444444 -0.10526316  0.4137931   0.375     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.744145. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 12 with the coordinate [0.38888889 1.15789474 0.06896552 0.125     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.744145. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 19 with the coordinate [1.05882353 0.75       0.9137931  0.79166667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.251775. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 11 with the coordinate [-0.02857143  0.41666667 -0.01818182  0.        ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.625888. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 21 with the coordinate [0.94285714 0.25       1.03636364 0.91666667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.000000. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 6 with the coordinate [ 0.19444444 -0.10526316  0.4137931   0.375     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.000000. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 12 with the coordinate [0.38888889 1.15789474 0.06896552 0.125     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.000000. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 19 with the coordinate [1.05882353 0.75       0.9137931  0.79166667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.172844. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 11 with the coordinate [-0.02857143  0.41666667 -0.01818182  0.        ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.586422. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 21 with the coordinate [0.94285714 0.25       1.03636364 0.91666667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.000000. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 6 with the coordinate [ 0.19444444 -0.10526316  0.4137931   0.375     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.000000. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 12 with the coordinate [0.38888889 1.15789474 0.06896552 0.125     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.000000. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 19 with the coordinate [1.05882353 0.75       0.9137931  0.79166667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.532322. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 11 with the coordinate [-0.02857143  0.41666667 -0.01818182  0.        ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.772842. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 21 with the coordinate [0.94285714 0.25       1.03636364 0.91666667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.566335. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 6 with the coordinate [ 0.19444444 -0.10526316  0.4137931   0.375     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.163103. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 12 with the coordinate [0.38888889 1.15789474 0.06896552 0.125     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.000000. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 19 with the coordinate [1.05882353 0.75       0.9137931  0.79166667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.415407. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 11 with the coordinate [-0.02857143  0.41666667 -0.01818182  0.        ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.744905. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 21 with the coordinate [0.94285714 0.25       1.03636364 0.91666667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.123111. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 6 with the coordinate [ 0.19444444 -0.10526316  0.4137931   0.375     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.025679. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 12 with the coordinate [0.38888889 1.15789474 0.06896552 0.125     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.000000. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 19 with the coordinate [1.05882353 0.75       0.9137931  0.79166667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.431079. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 11 with the coordinate [-0.02857143  0.41666667 -0.01818182  0.        ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.751744. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 21 with the coordinate [0.94285714 0.25       1.03636364 0.91666667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.146619. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 6 with the coordinate [ 0.19444444 -0.10526316  0.4137931   0.375     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.051799. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 12 with the coordinate [0.38888889 1.15789474 0.06896552 0.125     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.000000. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 19 with the coordinate [1.05882353 0.75       0.9137931  0.79166667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.496359. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 11 with the coordinate [-0.02857143  0.41666667 -0.01818182  0.        ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.780230. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 21 with the coordinate [0.94285714 0.25       1.03636364 0.91666667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.496359. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 6 with the coordinate [ 0.19444444 -0.10526316  0.4137931   0.375     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.045733. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 12 with the coordinate [0.38888889 1.15789474 0.06896552 0.125     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.045733. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 19 with the coordinate [1.05882353 0.75       0.9137931  0.79166667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.518529. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 11 with the coordinate [-0.02857143  0.41666667 -0.01818182  0.        ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.766143. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 21 with the coordinate [0.94285714 0.25       1.03636364 0.91666667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.702363. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 6 with the coordinate [ 0.19444444 -0.10526316  0.4137931   0.375     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.138421. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 12 with the coordinate [0.38888889 1.15789474 0.06896552 0.125     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.000000. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 19 with the coordinate [1.05882353 0.75       0.9137931  0.79166667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.999140. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 11 with the coordinate [-0.02857143  0.41666667 -0.01818182  0.        ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.999625. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 21 with the coordinate [0.94285714 0.25       1.03636364 0.91666667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.999140. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 6 with the coordinate [ 0.19444444 -0.10526316  0.4137931   0.375     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.998913. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 12 with the coordinate [0.38888889 1.15789474 0.06896552 0.125     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.998370. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 19 with the coordinate [1.05882353 0.75       0.9137931  0.79166667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.559096. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 11 with the coordinate [-0.02857143  0.41666667 -0.01818182  0.        ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.807605. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 21 with the coordinate [0.94285714 0.25       1.03636364 0.91666667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.559096. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 6 with the coordinate [ 0.19444444 -0.10526316  0.4137931   0.375     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.164603. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 12 with the coordinate [0.38888889 1.15789474 0.06896552 0.125     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.164603. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 19 with the coordinate [1.05882353 0.75       0.9137931  0.79166667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.379206. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 11 with the coordinate [-0.02857143  0.41666667 -0.01818182  0.        ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.729108. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 21 with the coordinate [0.94285714 0.25       1.03636364 0.91666667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.068810. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 6 with the coordinate [ 0.19444444 -0.10526316  0.4137931   0.375     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.000000. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 12 with the coordinate [0.38888889 1.15789474 0.06896552 0.125     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.000000. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 19 with the coordinate [1.05882353 0.75       0.9137931  0.79166667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.377855. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 11 with the coordinate [-0.02857143  0.41666667 -0.01818182  0.        ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.728518. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 21 with the coordinate [0.94285714 0.25       1.03636364 0.91666667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.066782. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 6 with the coordinate [ 0.19444444 -0.10526316  0.4137931   0.375     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.000000. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 12 with the coordinate [0.38888889 1.15789474 0.06896552 0.125     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.000000. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 19 with the coordinate [1.05882353 0.75       0.9137931  0.79166667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.224555. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 11 with the coordinate [-0.02857143  0.41666667 -0.01818182  0.        ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.612278. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 21 with the coordinate [0.94285714 0.25       1.03636364 0.91666667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.000000. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 6 with the coordinate [ 0.19444444 -0.10526316  0.4137931   0.375     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.000000. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 12 with the coordinate [0.38888889 1.15789474 0.06896552 0.125     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.000000. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 19 with the coordinate [1.05882353 0.75       0.9137931  0.79166667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.959355. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 11 with the coordinate [-0.02857143  0.41666667 -0.01818182  0.        ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.980258. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 21 with the coordinate [0.94285714 0.25       1.03636364 0.91666667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.942419. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 6 with the coordinate [ 0.19444444 -0.10526316  0.4137931   0.375     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.927266. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 12 with the coordinate [0.38888889 1.15789474 0.06896552 0.125     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.890899. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 19 with the coordinate [1.05882353 0.75       0.9137931  0.79166667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.516105. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 11 with the coordinate [-0.02857143  0.41666667 -0.01818182  0.        ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.834093. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 21 with the coordinate [0.94285714 0.25       1.03636364 0.91666667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.516105. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 6 with the coordinate [ 0.19444444 -0.10526316  0.4137931   0.375     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.388765. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 12 with the coordinate [0.38888889 1.15789474 0.06896552 0.125     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.083147. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 19 with the coordinate [1.05882353 0.75       0.9137931  0.79166667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.356339. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 11 with the coordinate [-0.02857143  0.41666667 -0.01818182  0.        ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.719130. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 21 with the coordinate [0.94285714 0.25       1.03636364 0.91666667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.356339. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 6 with the coordinate [ 0.19444444 -0.10526316  0.4137931   0.375     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.000000. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 12 with the coordinate [0.38888889 1.15789474 0.06896552 0.125     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.000000. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 19 with the coordinate [1.05882353 0.75       0.9137931  0.79166667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.753394. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 11 with the coordinate [-0.02857143  0.41666667 -0.01818182  0.        ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.876697. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 21 with the coordinate [0.94285714 0.25       1.03636364 0.91666667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.753394. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 6 with the coordinate [ 0.19444444 -0.10526316  0.4137931   0.375     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.532747. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 12 with the coordinate [0.38888889 1.15789474 0.06896552 0.125     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.532747. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 19 with the coordinate [1.05882353 0.75       0.9137931  0.79166667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.957302. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 11 with the coordinate [-0.02857143  0.41666667 -0.01818182  0.        ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.978651. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 21 with the coordinate [0.94285714 0.25       1.03636364 0.91666667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.935953. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 6 with the coordinate [ 0.19444444 -0.10526316  0.4137931   0.375     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.919098. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 12 with the coordinate [0.38888889 1.15789474 0.06896552 0.125     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.919098. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 19 with the coordinate [1.05882353 0.75       0.9137931  0.79166667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.973522. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 11 with the coordinate [-0.02857143  0.41666667 -0.01818182  0.        ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.986761. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 21 with the coordinate [0.94285714 0.25       1.03636364 0.91666667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.960283. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 6 with the coordinate [ 0.19444444 -0.10526316  0.4137931   0.375     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.949831. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 12 with the coordinate [0.38888889 1.15789474 0.06896552 0.125     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.949831. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 19 with the coordinate [1.05882353 0.75       0.9137931  0.79166667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.997910. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 11 with the coordinate [-0.02857143  0.41666667 -0.01818182  0.        ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.999088. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 21 with the coordinate [0.94285714 0.25       1.03636364 0.91666667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.997910. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 6 with the coordinate [ 0.19444444 -0.10526316  0.4137931   0.375     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.996040. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 12 with the coordinate [0.38888889 1.15789474 0.06896552 0.125     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.996040. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 19 with the coordinate [1.05882353 0.75       0.9137931  0.79166667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.821118. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 11 with the coordinate [-0.02857143  0.41666667 -0.01818182  0.        ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.910559. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 21 with the coordinate [0.94285714 0.25       1.03636364 0.91666667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.731677. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 6 with the coordinate [ 0.19444444 -0.10526316  0.4137931   0.375     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.661065. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 12 with the coordinate [0.38888889 1.15789474 0.06896552 0.125     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.661065. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 19 with the coordinate [1.05882353 0.75       0.9137931  0.79166667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.886690. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 11 with the coordinate [-0.02857143  0.41666667 -0.01818182  0.        ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.943345. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 21 with the coordinate [0.94285714 0.25       1.03636364 0.91666667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.886690. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 6 with the coordinate [ 0.19444444 -0.10526316  0.4137931   0.375     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.785307. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 12 with the coordinate [0.38888889 1.15789474 0.06896552 0.125     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.785307. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 19 with the coordinate [1.05882353 0.75       0.9137931  0.79166667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.194951. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 11 with the coordinate [-0.02857143  0.41666667 -0.01818182  0.        ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.597475. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 21 with the coordinate [0.94285714 0.25       1.03636364 0.91666667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.000000. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 6 with the coordinate [ 0.19444444 -0.10526316  0.4137931   0.375     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.000000. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 12 with the coordinate [0.38888889 1.15789474 0.06896552 0.125     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.000000. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 19 with the coordinate [1.05882353 0.75       0.9137931  0.79166667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.459018. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 11 with the coordinate [-0.02857143  0.41666667 -0.01818182  0.        ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.763935. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 21 with the coordinate [0.94285714 0.25       1.03636364 0.91666667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.188527. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 6 with the coordinate [ 0.19444444 -0.10526316  0.4137931   0.375     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.000000. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 12 with the coordinate [0.38888889 1.15789474 0.06896552 0.125     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.000000. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 19 with the coordinate [1.05882353 0.75       0.9137931  0.79166667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.933546. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 11 with the coordinate [-0.02857143  0.41666667 -0.01818182  0.        ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.971002. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 21 with the coordinate [0.94285714 0.25       1.03636364 0.91666667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.933546. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 6 with the coordinate [ 0.19444444 -0.10526316  0.4137931   0.375     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.874086. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 12 with the coordinate [0.38888889 1.15789474 0.06896552 0.125     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.874086. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 19 with the coordinate [1.05882353 0.75       0.9137931  0.79166667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.726992. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 11 with the coordinate [-0.02857143  0.41666667 -0.01818182  0.        ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.863496. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 21 with the coordinate [0.94285714 0.25       1.03636364 0.91666667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.726992. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 6 with the coordinate [ 0.19444444 -0.10526316  0.4137931   0.375     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.482722. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 12 with the coordinate [0.38888889 1.15789474 0.06896552 0.125     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.482722. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 19 with the coordinate [1.05882353 0.75       0.9137931  0.79166667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.604519. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 11 with the coordinate [-0.02857143  0.41666667 -0.01818182  0.        ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.827427. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 21 with the coordinate [0.94285714 0.25       1.03636364 0.91666667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.604519. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 6 with the coordinate [ 0.19444444 -0.10526316  0.4137931   0.375     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.250668. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 12 with the coordinate [0.38888889 1.15789474 0.06896552 0.125     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.250668. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 19 with the coordinate [1.05882353 0.75       0.9137931  0.79166667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.716278. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 11 with the coordinate [-0.02857143  0.41666667 -0.01818182  0.        ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.858139. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 21 with the coordinate [0.94285714 0.25       1.03636364 0.91666667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.574417. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 6 with the coordinate [ 0.19444444 -0.10526316  0.4137931   0.375     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.462421. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 12 with the coordinate [0.38888889 1.15789474 0.06896552 0.125     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.462421. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 19 with the coordinate [1.05882353 0.75       0.9137931  0.79166667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.795196. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 11 with the coordinate [-0.02857143  0.41666667 -0.01818182  0.        ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.897598. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 21 with the coordinate [0.94285714 0.25       1.03636364 0.91666667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.692794. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 6 with the coordinate [ 0.19444444 -0.10526316  0.4137931   0.375     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.611951. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 12 with the coordinate [0.38888889 1.15789474 0.06896552 0.125     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.611951. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 19 with the coordinate [1.05882353 0.75       0.9137931  0.79166667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.656288. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 11 with the coordinate [-0.02857143  0.41666667 -0.01818182  0.        ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.828144. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 21 with the coordinate [0.94285714 0.25       1.03636364 0.91666667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.484432. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 6 with the coordinate [ 0.19444444 -0.10526316  0.4137931   0.375     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.348757. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 12 with the coordinate [0.38888889 1.15789474 0.06896552 0.125     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.348757. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 19 with the coordinate [1.05882353 0.75       0.9137931  0.79166667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.825042. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 11 with the coordinate [-0.02857143  0.41666667 -0.01818182  0.        ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.923655. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 21 with the coordinate [0.94285714 0.25       1.03636364 0.91666667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.825042. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 6 with the coordinate [ 0.19444444 -0.10526316  0.4137931   0.375     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.668500. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 12 with the coordinate [0.38888889 1.15789474 0.06896552 0.125     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.668500. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 19 with the coordinate [1.05882353 0.75       0.9137931  0.79166667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.771271. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 11 with the coordinate [-0.02857143  0.41666667 -0.01818182  0.        ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.921579. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 21 with the coordinate [0.94285714 0.25       1.03636364 0.91666667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.771271. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 6 with the coordinate [ 0.19444444 -0.10526316  0.4137931   0.375     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.711079. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 12 with the coordinate [0.38888889 1.15789474 0.06896552 0.125     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.566619. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 19 with the coordinate [1.05882353 0.75       0.9137931  0.79166667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.696148. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 11 with the coordinate [-0.02857143  0.41666667 -0.01818182  0.        ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.867410. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 21 with the coordinate [0.94285714 0.25       1.03636364 0.91666667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.696148. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 6 with the coordinate [ 0.19444444 -0.10526316  0.4137931   0.375     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.493580. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 12 with the coordinate [0.38888889 1.15789474 0.06896552 0.125     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.424281. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 19 with the coordinate [1.05882353 0.75       0.9137931  0.79166667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.566989. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 11 with the coordinate [-0.02857143  0.41666667 -0.01818182  0.        ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.811050. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 21 with the coordinate [0.94285714 0.25       1.03636364 0.91666667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.566989. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 6 with the coordinate [ 0.19444444 -0.10526316  0.4137931   0.375     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.453039. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 12 with the coordinate [0.38888889 1.15789474 0.06896552 0.125     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.179558. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 19 with the coordinate [1.05882353 0.75       0.9137931  0.79166667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.658673. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 11 with the coordinate [-0.02857143  0.41666667 -0.01818182  0.        ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.829336. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 21 with the coordinate [0.94285714 0.25       1.03636364 0.91666667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.488009. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 6 with the coordinate [ 0.19444444 -0.10526316  0.4137931   0.375     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.353275. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 12 with the coordinate [0.38888889 1.15789474 0.06896552 0.125     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.353275. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 19 with the coordinate [1.05882353 0.75       0.9137931  0.79166667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.854032. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 11 with the coordinate [-0.02857143  0.41666667 -0.01818182  0.        ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.927016. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 21 with the coordinate [0.94285714 0.25       1.03636364 0.91666667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.854032. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 6 with the coordinate [ 0.19444444 -0.10526316  0.4137931   0.375     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.723428. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 12 with the coordinate [0.38888889 1.15789474 0.06896552 0.125     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.723428. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 19 with the coordinate [1.05882353 0.75       0.9137931  0.79166667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.775829. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 11 with the coordinate [-0.02857143  0.41666667 -0.01818182  0.        ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.902180. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 21 with the coordinate [0.94285714 0.25       1.03636364 0.91666667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.775829. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 6 with the coordinate [ 0.19444444 -0.10526316  0.4137931   0.375     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.575256. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 12 with the coordinate [0.38888889 1.15789474 0.06896552 0.125     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.575256. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 19 with the coordinate [1.05882353 0.75       0.9137931  0.79166667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.898866. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 11 with the coordinate [-0.02857143  0.41666667 -0.01818182  0.        ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.955869. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 21 with the coordinate [0.94285714 0.25       1.03636364 0.91666667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.898866. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 6 with the coordinate [ 0.19444444 -0.10526316  0.4137931   0.375     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.808378. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 12 with the coordinate [0.38888889 1.15789474 0.06896552 0.125     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.808378. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 19 with the coordinate [1.05882353 0.75       0.9137931  0.79166667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.687186. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 11 with the coordinate [-0.02857143  0.41666667 -0.01818182  0.        ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.863499. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 21 with the coordinate [0.94285714 0.25       1.03636364 0.91666667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.687186. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 6 with the coordinate [ 0.19444444 -0.10526316  0.4137931   0.375     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.407299. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 12 with the coordinate [0.38888889 1.15789474 0.06896552 0.125     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.407299. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 19 with the coordinate [1.05882353 0.75       0.9137931  0.79166667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.636231. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 11 with the coordinate [-0.02857143  0.41666667 -0.01818182  0.        ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.841264. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 21 with the coordinate [0.94285714 0.25       1.03636364 0.91666667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.636231. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 6 with the coordinate [ 0.19444444 -0.10526316  0.4137931   0.375     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.310753. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 12 with the coordinate [0.38888889 1.15789474 0.06896552 0.125     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.310753. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 19 with the coordinate [1.05882353 0.75       0.9137931  0.79166667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.607021. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 11 with the coordinate [-0.02857143  0.41666667 -0.01818182  0.        ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.865264. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 21 with the coordinate [0.94285714 0.25       1.03636364 0.91666667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.607021. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 6 with the coordinate [ 0.19444444 -0.10526316  0.4137931   0.375     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.503605. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 12 with the coordinate [0.38888889 1.15789474 0.06896552 0.125     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.255408. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 19 with the coordinate [1.05882353 0.75       0.9137931  0.79166667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.814544. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 11 with the coordinate [-0.02857143  0.41666667 -0.01818182  0.        ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.909921. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 21 with the coordinate [0.94285714 0.25       1.03636364 0.91666667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.885354. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 6 with the coordinate [ 0.19444444 -0.10526316  0.4137931   0.375     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.668131. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 12 with the coordinate [0.38888889 1.15789474 0.06896552 0.125     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.502196. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 19 with the coordinate [1.05882353 0.75       0.9137931  0.79166667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.683919. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 11 with the coordinate [-0.02857143  0.41666667 -0.01818182  0.        ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.841960. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 21 with the coordinate [0.94285714 0.25       1.03636364 0.91666667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.525879. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 6 with the coordinate [ 0.19444444 -0.10526316  0.4137931   0.375     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.401110. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 12 with the coordinate [0.38888889 1.15789474 0.06896552 0.125     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.401110. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 19 with the coordinate [1.05882353 0.75       0.9137931  0.79166667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.284114. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 11 with the coordinate [-0.02857143  0.41666667 -0.01818182  0.        ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.687613. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 21 with the coordinate [0.94285714 0.25       1.03636364 0.91666667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.284114. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 6 with the coordinate [ 0.19444444 -0.10526316  0.4137931   0.375     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.000000. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 12 with the coordinate [0.38888889 1.15789474 0.06896552 0.125     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.000000. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 19 with the coordinate [1.05882353 0.75       0.9137931  0.79166667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.809766. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 11 with the coordinate [-0.02857143  0.41666667 -0.01818182  0.        ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.934777. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 21 with the coordinate [0.94285714 0.25       1.03636364 0.91666667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.809766. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 6 with the coordinate [ 0.19444444 -0.10526316  0.4137931   0.375     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.759704. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 12 with the coordinate [0.38888889 1.15789474 0.06896552 0.125     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.639556. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 19 with the coordinate [1.05882353 0.75       0.9137931  0.79166667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.888344. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 11 with the coordinate [-0.02857143  0.41666667 -0.01818182  0.        ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.951277. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 21 with the coordinate [0.94285714 0.25       1.03636364 0.91666667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.832516. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 6 with the coordinate [ 0.19444444 -0.10526316  0.4137931   0.375     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.813907. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 12 with the coordinate [0.38888889 1.15789474 0.06896552 0.125     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.788442. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 19 with the coordinate [1.05882353 0.75       0.9137931  0.79166667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.394295. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 11 with the coordinate [-0.02857143  0.41666667 -0.01818182  0.        ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.735692. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 21 with the coordinate [0.94285714 0.25       1.03636364 0.91666667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.394295. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 6 with the coordinate [ 0.19444444 -0.10526316  0.4137931   0.375     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.000000. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 12 with the coordinate [0.38888889 1.15789474 0.06896552 0.125     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.000000. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 19 with the coordinate [1.05882353 0.75       0.9137931  0.79166667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.840977. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 11 with the coordinate [-0.02857143  0.41666667 -0.01818182  0.        ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.930608. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 21 with the coordinate [0.94285714 0.25       1.03636364 0.91666667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.840977. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 6 with the coordinate [ 0.19444444 -0.10526316  0.4137931   0.375     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.734961. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 12 with the coordinate [0.38888889 1.15789474 0.06896552 0.125     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.698693. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 19 with the coordinate [1.05882353 0.75       0.9137931  0.79166667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.478630. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 11 with the coordinate [-0.02857143  0.41666667 -0.01818182  0.        ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.739315. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 21 with the coordinate [0.94285714 0.25       1.03636364 0.91666667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.478630. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 6 with the coordinate [ 0.19444444 -0.10526316  0.4137931   0.375     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.012141. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 12 with the coordinate [0.38888889 1.15789474 0.06896552 0.125     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.012141. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 19 with the coordinate [1.05882353 0.75       0.9137931  0.79166667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.540064. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 11 with the coordinate [-0.02857143  0.41666667 -0.01818182  0.        ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.770032. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 21 with the coordinate [0.94285714 0.25       1.03636364 0.91666667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.540064. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 6 with the coordinate [ 0.19444444 -0.10526316  0.4137931   0.375     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.128542. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
>>> The testing sample 12 with the coordinate [0.38888889 1.15789474 0.06896552 0.125     ] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.128542. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████| 100/100 [00:16<00:00,  6.08trial/s, best loss: -0.9666666666666666]
# Building and fitting classifier with best parameters
clf = init_model(space_eval(hp_space_gfmm, best_clf)).fit(X_train, y_train)

# Calculating performance on validation set
clf_val_score = accuracy_score(y_test, clf.predict(X_test))
print('Cross-val score: {0:.5f}; testing score: {1:.5f}'.\
      format(-trials_clf.best_trial['result']['loss'], clf_val_score))
print('Best parameters:')
print(space_eval(hp_space_gfmm, best_clf))
>>> The testing sample 26 with the coordinate [ 0.08333333  0.66666667 -0.01724138  0.04166667] is outside the range [0, 1]. Membership value = 0.478630. The prediction is more likely incorrect.
Cross-val score: 0.96667; testing score: 0.96667
Best parameters:
{'gamma': 6.256443392850102, 'theta': 0.09273471494941352}
def f_wrap_space_eval(hp_space, trial):
    Utility function for more consise optimization history extraction

    hp_space : hyperspace from which points are sampled
    trial : hyperopt.Trials object

    : dict(
        k: v
    ), where k - label of hyperparameter, v - value of hyperparameter in trial

    return space_eval(hp_space, {k: v[0] for (k, v) in trial['misc']['vals'].items() if len(v) > 0})

def f_unpack_dict(dct):
    Unpacks all sub-dictionaries in given dictionary recursively. There should be no duplicated keys
    across all nested subdictionaries, or some instances will be lost without warning

    dct : dictionary to unpack

    : unpacked dictionary

    res = {}
    for (k, v) in dct.items():
        if isinstance(v, dict):
            res = {**res, **f_unpack_dict(v)}
            res[k] = v

    return res
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec
from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation
import seaborn as sns
fig0 = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 10))
gs = gridspec.GridSpec(nrows=3, ncols=1, hspace=0.5,wspace=0.3)

# ================================
# Plotting optimization history

ax = fig0.add_subplot(gs[0, 0])
ax.plot(range(1, len(trials_clf) + 1), [-x['result']['loss'] for x in trials_clf],
        color='red', marker='.', linewidth=0)

ax.set_xlabel('Iteration', fontsize=12)
ax.set_ylabel('Accuracy', fontsize=12)
ax.set_title('Optimization history', fontsize=14)


# ================================
# Plotting sampled points

samples = [f_unpack_dict(f_wrap_space_eval(hp_space_gfmm, x)) for x in trials_clf.trials]

ax = fig0.add_subplot(gs[1, 0])
sns.histplot(x=[x['gamma'] for x in samples], bins=10, ax=ax)

ax.set_xlabel('$gamma$', fontsize=10)
ax.set_ylabel('Counts', fontsize=10)


# ----------------

ax = fig0.add_subplot(gs[2, 0])
sns.histplot(x=[x['theta'] for x in samples], bins=10, ax=ax)

ax.set_xlabel('$theta$', fontsize=12)
ax.set_ylabel('Counts', fontsize=12)
